YM® Veneers
Browse times:1415Release time:2020.04.16

YM®   Veneers


YM veneers can be ultra-thin to 0.2mm and the thickness can be comparable to contact lenses. It can achieve perfect fit with natural teeth, high strength( 400 Mpa),  little stimulation to gingiva and true-to-life translucency and can effectively avoid the wear of opposite teeth.           


1. Teeth with abnormal morphology, enamel dysplasia, and oversmall teeth, etc.

2. Caries results in the defect of the incised end or the shallow surface of the tooth.3. The teeth are sparse or slightly crooked, and they don't want to be corrected, but they bite normally.4. Medicated discolored teeth.5. Hereditary yellow teeth.6.Serious cases of teeth with cracks, deformities and potholes.


1.There is not enough bonding surface, such as teeth with lip or lingual dislocation, those who are used to breathing with mouth, or those who have abnormal occlusion of upper and lower teeth   2. Adjacent teeth more than 2 mm apart      3.  Bruxism patients are not suitable.
